Amber is an exclusive realistic silicone-doll From the new brand Top Cydoll. One 170 cm tall sex doll with a naturally shaped body, large butt and chest in size D-cup. Top Cydoll's team consists of an experienced and talented designer who previously worked with several other well-known doll marks.
Amber, Hailing from Mexico. With her natural alluring sun-kissed complexion that radiates unique charm. Born on April 3, 2002, Amber IS 22 Years Old. On Her 22nd Birthday, Amber Took Her First Large-Scale Photo Shoot in Her Life, Showing Her Ultimate Charm of Confidence and Sexiness.
TOP-CYDOLL is a brand created by a team of very skilled designers and sculptors with extensive experience and established connections in the industry. These dolls are made of the finest silicone which exists, with groundbreaking properties and impeccable quality that are at the forefront of the market. Docklandet acts as an exclusive distributor and dealer of TOP-CYDOLL in the EU and the United States.
Dolls from TOP-CYDOLL is available in hybrid version with the body of the material TPE and head of silicone. The dolls can be upgrade to completely in silicone and can also be upgrade to rst-silicone (Real Skin Texture) and head with rose (Real Oral Structure) and moving jaw.